What I Would Say to My Ex-Lover’s Husband

The fact is, I won’t be saying anything. Such a conversation will never take place. The odds of me running into my ex-lover’s husband are a million to one. And if I did, I’m sure he wouldn’t stop to say hello.

Still, here’s what I would say if the planets somehow aligned and I found myself staring “hubby” in the eye.

Sorry, dude – What I did with your wife wasn’t cool. If I could erase it, I would. I never meant to hurt you personally. All I really knew about you was from your wife, who made you sound like a neglectful jerk.

Relax – My days of chasing after your wife are over, and not just because of your “threat” against me. It took me awhile to see the light, but she’s your problem now, not mine.

Don’t blame everything on me – I’m sure you’ve labeled me a master manipulator and con artist who “took advantage” of your wife, especially in her “weakened state of mind.” But she seemed fine to me. A little nutty, but fine. And I can assure you, she was an equal participant in our affair.

I fell in love with her – That’s why it was hard for me to let go. I couldn’t stand not hearing her voice. It’s why I went crazy toward the end. I wanted her to be mine. Silly me.

Do it right this time – Dude, you are the owner of a Maserati, and you’re driving her like a ’72 Pinto. Don’t keep this high performance machine parked in the garage. Read the owner’s manual!

Good buddy – You may’ve grown up in Tennessee, but so did I, and my friends were rednecks. Don’t ever fucking threaten me again. Son.

‘Nuff said.



Filed under adultery, affairs, bipolar disorder, cheating, husbands, infidelity, lovers, marriage, wives

3 responses to “What I Would Say to My Ex-Lover’s Husband

  1. Teev…

    Congrats… I think you circumnavigated the entire ‘perspectives globe’, in your bouqet of responses to H of OW.

    As an H of OW to the OM of my W, (translated… I am a betrayed husband), I had to come to grips with the fact that (gulp, sweat), I had a part in setting the whole thing up for ‘them’.

    I was the maserati owner who drove her like a pinto. I did not put my foot down earlier when they were spending time together while we were still married. I was so freakin arrogant that I didnt think that my marriage could fail because I was such a freakin’ catch.

    And this one may make you laugh or mad, not sure. I too threatened the OM. If that little punk-bitch ever does anything out of line with my kids, he will hear from me. Know what I am saying?

    I suppose that the diff between your sitch and mine is that your ended. Mine (theirs) carried on to completion.

    PS… nice work with the pics lately!



  2. tvexplorer

    Thanks Chaz, with so many different perspectives reading this blog, I do what I can to be sensitive, while continuing to toss a few jabs at the Pinto driver.

  3. Uglyontheinside

    I honestly don’t know what I would say to xOW’s Husband, probably “wake up dude!!”


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