Hide My Ass.

It’s amazing to me how far some people go to hide the fact they are reading my blog. I’m not talking about anyone in my small group of blog friends, or even casual web surfers who’re intrigued by the concept of adultery. I’m talking about people who, for whatever reason, use “web anonymizers” to view this blog.

Web whats?

Let me back up. For those who don’t know, I use SiteMeter and StatCounter on this blog to see who’s reading me. I can tell where you’re located, when you stopped by, how long you stayed and when you decided to check out. I can also see which Internet Service Provider you use, which browser you have and the type of operating system installed on your computer. I can even see your IP address, that odd string of numbers separated by periods.

And why do I need all this information? I don’t. I just enjoy seeing where my readers are from, and when they stop in. That’s all.

Getting back to my original subject.  That is, people who bend over backwards to keep themselves anonymous.  When I first noticed this, it struck me as odd.  But after the comment someone left here two days ago, I understand why.

Someone wrote something that was too familiar.  They included my real name and my wife’s real name.  It was a comment designed to fuck with me, and I’ll admit, it accomplished its goal.

So I dug deeply into my Sitemeter stats, and found they had accessed this blog using hidemyass.com.  It’s one of many free “anonymizers” on the web.  Simply type in an address and –voila!—you can visit a site without “leaving tracks.” My question is, why go to the trouble? If you got something to say, just say it.

My first suspicion was that my former other woman may’ve located my blog and lashed out in anger.  But that doesn’t make sense.  She’s not a mean-natured person.  That’s one thing I’ve always loved about her. Still, who else would know my real name?

My only other theory is that OW discovered my blog and brought it to her husband’s attention.  That’s how she rolls these days.  No sense of independence.  Yes sir. No sir. Can I iron your shirt?  But even that theory has holes in it.  Surely, her husband knows that if he fucks with me, it would constitute a violation of our “agreement,” which I’ve abided by to the enth degree.

For the record, I know the anonymous commenter wasn’t my wife. I can say this with 100% certainty. (We at tvexplorer have our methods!)

The truth is, I’ve suspected for some time that my ex reads my blog, which is fine.  It’s just the sneaking around part that grates on my nerves.  It’s like she’s worried that if I find out, I will think it means something and start writing love-letters again.   Think again.

Just stop hiding your ass.


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Filed under adultery, affairs, bipolar disorder, blogging, cheating, infidelity

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